Sunday, April 5, 2009

Earn money online part-2

Hi. Hope things are going fine on your side. This is the second and final part of How to earn money online series. The future posts in this category will deal with specific sites. Before proceeding further we will see a brief gist of what we discussed in the previous post. My last post dealt mostly on earning money through blogs. We saw various methods like contextual ads, text links and text links ads, banner advertising among various types of advertising strategies. Sponsered reviews and paid surveys were also discussed.
In this part we will be discussing about three major things namely Paid to post, Paid to Click Paid to Read and Paid to surf. Compared to the methods discussed in Part 1, these methods are relatively low on money making capability. But at the end of the day our major objective would be to maximize our earnings as much as possible. With that note in mind lets get started.

Paid to click is the easiest way to earn money online. The only thing which you need to do is get registered with a PTC site, click on the advertisement listed and wait for the 20 second (may vary) timer elapse. Your account will get credited with a maximum of 0.01$. If you have a referral your referral click will fetch you 0.005$. The best way to earn using PTC sites is by building a strong referral base. There are some sites which will allow you to rent referrals or buy referrals. If you have a bit of money to invest on buying referrals then you can easily get the money you invest in days. I am currently a member of Neobux. I will update the list of PTCs soon.
A note of caution, there are loads of PTC scam sites. So do your research before joining them or investing money in them.

I do not look at Paid to Surf sites as a money making oppurtunity, rather I look at it as one of the method to drive traffic to my blog. The main idea behind PTS surf is link exchange (i.e) If you view a site for 20 seconds(the timer again varies) someone else will view your site for the same period of time. Before joining a PTS surf one must look at the credit exchange ratio if its 1:1, it means for every site you surf your site will also be surfed once. If its a 2:1 ratio, your site will be surfed for every two sites you surf. Based on the amount of surfing you do, traffic will be generated for your site. PTS also pays you a small amount for every 1000 or 1500 credits (1 site surfed = 1 credit). I would suggest that you look at PTS as a enabler to get traffic to your site so that you can use advertisements. As a stand alone I do not recomend PTS as a money making prospect. Easyhits4u is very reliable PTS.

Do you like to exchange your view on various topics? Do you like discussions on your topics of interest? Do you enjoying posting in forums, then Paid to Post is the best way to earn money. PTP pays you money for posting in forums. There are sites which offers you a flat rate and there are PTP sites which offers a variable rate based on their algorithms. You can easily earn around 1 - 2$ a day by using PTP. MyLot and Destroy Debt are a few PTP sites which i recommend. They also have a referral program which can add to your income base. A word of caution with respect to PTP - They pay you for your quality view. Do not spam and do not post things like "I agree with you", "yes you are right" and so on. They may remove such posts and deduct the money credited to your account.
P.S: If you start PTP it may end of as an addictive hobby, which you would never regret.

Paid to Read is similar to PTC , the only difference being you are paid for reading a advertisement e-mail. You need to open the link and confirm the link to get paid. Again there is a referral system and the basis of payment(flat rate or point basis) varies from site to site. I do not prefer PTR because it will spam your mail account with loads of mails. But if you are willing then Take the Internet Back is a site I would recommend.

This concludes the two part series on how to earn money online. If you have further clarifications or comments please feel free to contact me and i will be more than willing to help you out. Your suggestions and comments are always welcome. Hope you make money, loads of em.

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