Sunday, April 5, 2009

increase your adsense earnings

If you want to start monetizing your blog, one way that you can do is by implementing Adsense into your site. However, sometimes it's hard to get substantial earning from Adsense, mainly due to lack of traffic or wrong ad placements and also ineffective formats of your ads. If you have this problem, here are some tips that you can apply:

1. Put the adsense ads in the place that are easily seen by visitors. Usually at the top or the right side of the blog will be a great location to put your ads. Try to use one ad format that you found effective, for example Large Rectangle (336X280) ads is a great option that you can choose since in my experience, it has the tendency to result in higher Click Through Rates. These ads also look like just normal links and visitors are used to click on these web links, so sometimes they don't even recognize that they click on Adsense ads.

2. Try to write original and high quality contents and post them to your blog regularly. Don't forget to ping your blog after you make a post to notify the search engine that you have updated your blog. Fresh posts are favoured by search engine and you can attract lots of organic traffic by doing this. With more visitors to your blog, the larger the chances are for the people to actually click on your Adsense ads.

3. The display of the Adsense ads also depends mostly on your main keywords and topic. So try to incorporate related keywords in the contents of your blog. Don't try to use high paying keywords that are not related to the topic of your blog since it won't attract the interest of the visitors to click your ads. People come to your blog to find informations according to their interest, so if there are relevant ads in your blog that interest them, the more likely they are to click your ads.

So, there you go folks... If you implement these methods, I can guarantee that your blog will attract more visitors and your Adsense CTR will also improve significantly, which in turn will increase your overall Adsense earnings as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you,

