Sunday, April 5, 2009

ways for make money

6 Easy Steps to Make Money Online

To make money online, we can implement various techniques that will allow us to generate money on autopilot and create passive income streams as well. As long as we apply the proper and suitable strategies, we are rest assured to be able to generate consistent income online and also build a successful and highly profitable internet marketing business. Below are simple guidelines of proven techniques and strategies that I have personally used to make easy money online and create multiple streams of income automatically:

1. Build A Website

Create a simple Website that contains related information or reviews of affiliate products that you want to promote. Try to incorporate the keywords that you want to target in your content and make sure your content is unique and informative so that it is easily picked up by the search engine and hence attract avalanche of targeted traffic.

2. Blogging

Set up a Blog and link it to your website. Don't forget to post regularly to your blog and make sure your post is content-rich and informative so that it can attract steady streams of organic traffic as well. You can also add another income streams to your blog by incorporating ad revenue system such as Google Adsense. In addition, ping your blog using pinging services like Pingoat or Pingomatic after you make a new post to alert search engines that you have fresh content added to your blog.

3. Article Marketing

Write articles that are related to your site and then submit them to popular article directories, such as Ezinearticles and Goarticles. On the article's source, include link to your website or blog that you want to promote. Try to incorporate the keywords that you want to target in the title of your article and at least 2-3 times in the article's body. Make sure you provide useful information to your readers and don't fill your article with sales pitch in order to build your credibility as a trusted source.

4. Squidoo and Hubpages

Create a Squidoo lens and Hubpages to promote your website or any products that you want to promote. These free portals have really high pagerank in major search engines and your lens or hubpages can easily reach the Google's first page with your related keywords. Just make sure you post useful and relevant contents such as informative articles or reviews in your lens and also incorporate other modules like Amazon or Ebay to leverage the income generated by your site.

5. Forum Marketing

Join Forums that are related to your niche. Make regular posts in your forum and insert signature at the bottom of the page that link to your website/blog. Give useful contributions to the forums and start building friendship with other members in the forum. Just remember, never ever spam the forum or you will lose your credibility.

6. List Building

Build a List of subscribers that you can establish a relationship with, because always remember: "The money is in the list"! Provide useful content and information to your subscribers to increase their trust and confidence in you. Giving away free reports, ebooks, or email courses is another way that you can incorporate as well. Mailing your list is also the easiest way to let your subscribers know about new products that you want to offer.

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