Sunday, April 5, 2009

Money making ideas for bloggers

Adsense - Google Adsense is the #1 ad program out there to make a nice little profit on the side. you place these ads on your blogs, Xomba, Your website, anywhere you want where it is allowed, even on Youtube! For every person that clicks an ad that interest them you get a profit. There are two sides to Google Adsense Publishers and the Advertisers. Publishers put the ads on there content (blog, website, Xomba, Youtube) by signing up for an account at google for free. Publishers pay google depending on how much they want and google puts the ads on the publishers site when related to keywords on that page.

Adbrite - Competitor of Adsense. If you do not like Adsense try this program I have heard it has good benefits and a lot less rules. I do not use Adbrite so I would not know.

Chitika - Chitika is becoming more popular every day! It is a search Ad as i call it and only shows up when someone is coming to your page via search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ect) You can post Chitika on pages with Adsense! This is a very good benefit!!!! you can make a lot more money useing both these ads. If you are interested in Chitika here is a link:

Sell your Website Space!- If your website / blog is becoming popular you can sell the space that you are not using to advertisers that want their name on your site. I would depending on how big you are start off at 1$ per space block and increase it as people buy. I mean your not using it anyways right?

Ehow site - Ehow among other websites will pay you to write useful information that users will like. Depending on how many articles you write and how good they are and if they bring traffic or not will determine how much you will be paid.

Sell things on your website! This is a good way to make profit from your sales. make a paypal account and buy items that you can sell for more and you keep the income.

There are a lot of programs out there that you can earn you quite a bit of extra cash! Not all sites or programs are scams a lot of them are though hahaha ;d

These are some things i would start using to get income! If used right you could be making thousands in a month trust me!

Hope you enjoyed this article! If you can please visit the link below to look at my website and give suggestions! Thanks for your time good luck

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