Sunday, April 5, 2009

Simple step to make money

My objective is going better than ever, on one side as you might already know. I am in a competition to lose weight fast, one month so far and is going ok. Results will be shown on June.

On the other the Millions are still on the way. But I´m as possitive as never before, visualising has helped me to ensure what I really want, so let me share with you some of the ideas that have worked for me during this year 2009.

I am sure that you have heard of the term “You need money to make money“? However I prefer this term

"money calls money to make LOTS of money”. Remember that money has to flow...

Here are some steps that I have been following to help you start making money online:

Step 1 - Identify Your Niche

First , you will need to identify your niche. Your niche could be related to your job, hobby or interest in certain areas. For example your website/blog could be about music. You should only sell or provide information regarding music and nothing else.

Step 2 - Write Your Own Ebook

The second step consist of writing your own ebook. Don’t worry if you have not written any book before. I have not either but I´m working on it. You could always hire someone to do it for you but it will definitely cost you more. That is one of the reasons why I would recommend that you write the ebook yourself.

Once you are done writing you ebook, it needs a cover. Bear in mind that the cover should be attractive. There’s nothing worst then a boring cover. You can always design it yourself using Adobe Photoshop or you can hire an expert to help you with the design. Most of these experts can be found online. Just try googling and make a comparison of services offered.

By now your ebook is about 95% completed. Most likely you have written your ebook using Microsoft Word. Regardless of what software that you used, you will need to convert your ebook to PDF format.

Step 3 - Choose The Right Domain Name

The third step requires you to choose your domain name. Choose your domain name wisely!! I would suggest creating a domain name that is related to your niche. For example, my website provides the reader how to make money online, therefore I create my domain name as

Step 4 - Create Web Hosting Account

So you have chose the domain name. Now it’s time to register your domain and to create a hosting account. Which ever hosting company that you select , make sure that the hosting company is reliable and has excellent customer support.

Step 5 - Create Website Or Blog

The next step is to create your personal blog or website. You can use BLOGGERS to set your free blog. They have a lot of professional templates and there is a huge amount of support from the forums.

Step 6 - Selling The Ebook

All right, your ebook is completed. You have also created your blog/website to market your ebook.But how do you accept payment and sent your ebook automatically to your buyer?

The best way is to set up an account with PayPal. PayPal allows you to accept credit card payments instantly and is free to sign up. In order to sent your ebook automatically to your customer you can use SmartDD. The best thing with SmartDD is that it can be integrated with your PayPal account. Even if readers find yor articles interesting you will get contributions, and is the payment for the advices you ´ve been giving.

Step 7 - Generating Traffic

Now, repeat after me, Traffic!!! Traffic!!! Traffic!!!. The success to every online business is generating traffic to your website. For that purpose I try to use add sense or you tube and keep the Blog busy.

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